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Nantong Reliable Auto-Fittings

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企 业 名 称:Nantong Reliable Auto-Fittings

所 属 网 库:汽摩网库

联 系 人:Cherry.Cai先生

职 位:Sales Dept.Sales

员 工 人 数:51 - 100 人

主 营 产 品:Rubber hose Rubber sealing Rubber moulding part Metal tube

公 司 地 址:中国 江苏 南通市 No.8 TongSheng Road E&D Zone

联 系 电 话:86-0513-85328263

电 子 邮 箱:

移 动 电 话:15950....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:86-0513-85328263

注 册 资 金:未知

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    经 营 模 式:中外合资经营企业 ;生产加工

    主 营 行 业:数控及CNC加工 橡胶管 其他紧固件、连接件 工业用橡胶制品 油管 油封


      Nan Tong Reliable Auto-Fitting Co,Ltd,locates Nantong,JiangSu,China,established in Aug,2007. We are professional manufacturer of fluid rubber hose,with the strong technical support from Tsinghua University,we are now expanding our fabrication to more complicated stage,rubber tee and cross tubes,sealing and moulding equipments,ect. Reliable Auto-Fitting is crucially focused on supplying the best quality products at very competitive prices. We strive to react to your needs as quickly as possible and pride ourselves on meeting our customers very demanding delivery requirements. Any of your requirements would be highly appreciated. 【质量方针】 顾客至上、技术创新、持续改进! 【质量目标】 准时交付率100%;产品交付质量≤300ppm;交付产品批次合格率100%;顾客满意程度≥85%。 【经营理念】 诚信务实、开拓创新,追求卓越、共赢未来。
      Nan Tong Reliable Auto-Fitting Co,Ltd,locates Nantong,JiangSu,China,established in Aug,2007. We supply various auto metal fittings,fastenings,bearings。
    评论:Nantong Reliable Auto-Fittings (注:标题和内容都是必须填的)
    1.发布链接广告我们是不会审核通过的. 2.对公司求职应聘的信息请直接联系公司. 3.请不要发布违反法律和道德底线的文字.
    网评:Nantong Reliable Auto-Fittings,江苏省 南通 江苏 南通市江苏省南通市新桥新村70栋,主营Rubber,hose,sealing,mouldingpart,Metal。
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